Social Responsibility
We consider social responsibility to be a commitment to the satisfaction of our customers and shareholders, along with an interest in our employees and the community in general. We observe an adherence to strict ethical standards, a long-term vision, and compliance with the laws wherever we operate, while seeking to make economic development and environmental protection a fundamental part of our competitiveness.

Mission of Social Responsibility
To promote entrepreneurial creativity applied to business and to the solution of our country’s problems from our fields of action, based on human development, staff training, optimism, teamwork and tireless improvement of our processes, under a philosophy of austerity in spending, reinvestment of profits, modernization and growth, generating benefits for our customers, employees and all other participants.

Social Performance
We work through the Carlos Slim Foundation, which aims to foster the integral development of human capital through programs that strengthen the skills and abilities of people of all ages in Mexico and Latin America, so that they can become actively involved in the development of economic and social affairs, benefit from more and better opportunities and obtain a better quality of life.

Excellence and Customer Service certifi cations granted to Sanborns personnel
Rescue and relocation of flora and fauna at CICSAs infrastructure projects


Condumex and Carso Infraestructura y Construcción maintain cooperative relationships with technological institutes, universities and authorities for the development of technological innovation projects for the economic, social and environmental development of our country. They also maintain an association with programs such as the New Professional Training Program (PRODES), for the recruitment and training of new professionals.

In Condumex, six work centers are involved in social programs through the Corporate Volunteer for items such as health care, education, poverty, improving infrastructure in poor areas, child abuse and natural disasters.

In addition, investments in education, health, and infrastructure and community development through the following initiatives were held:

Environmental Performance

Our planet

Additionally, we present the fifth annual Carso Environment Report for 2014, which includes:

Work Performance, Health and Safety
In 2014, Grupo Carso employed more than 72,000 full-time and part-time workers in Mexico, Latin America and some European countries. As part of the activities carried out to communicate the values and principles of the Group, our Code of Ethics was updated to bring it into line with international initiatives, such as the Global Pact and the Declaration of the International Labor Organization.

The Social Welfare Program implemented in Grupo Sanborns, Condumex and Carso Infraestructura y Construcción benefited 5,017 employees and their families, through the realization of 92 human development activities in the fields of health, education, culture and recreation.

Other support programs that have also had a positive effect on employees and their immediate families in the three divisions of Grupo Carso are:

Grupo Condumex participated in the Self-Management Program for Safety and Health at Work, focused on reducing the negative impact on safety, which is an initiative coordinated by the Mexican authorities. Our operations at the Cables sector based in San Luis Potosí began to gain recognition as a Safe Company, Level II.

In Carso Infraestructura y Construcción, the focus was on developing and maintaining standards through certified processes for the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001: 2007 in the Pipeline and Infrastructure sectors, as well as other accreditations, such as the HSE RigPass Program for drilling, API Spec Q1 and ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code in Equipment and Structures sectors for the chemical and oil industry.

The employees of all subsidiaries benefit from a safe workplace, as well as suitable tools and equipment to perform their duties, including the necessary training, through:

Grupo Sanborns has ongoing training programs for customer service and care, leadership, teamwork, and operations management. Specifically, programs oriented towards product familiarity are developed with the support of suppliers and considering a win-win approach. During 2014, more than 39,000 training events for more than 85,000 participants from Grupo Sanborns were carried out. Also, Grupo Condumex and Carso Infraestructura y Construcción have continuous training plans in place, in order to maintain optimal service and operations.

For further information about sustainability activities, visit



We consider social responsibility to be a commitment to the satisfaction of our customers and shareholders, along with an interest in our employees and the community in general.


Panamerican University Robotics Team visits CIDEC


We maintain cooperative relationships with technological institutes and universities for the development of joint projects and training of new professionals.


Reforestation activities CICSA


5 operating units in Condumex and 3 units in Carso Infraestructura y Construcción implemented solar heaters and lights.




The Welfare Program benefited 5,017 employees of the three sectors of the Group, including their relatives.